Leather bags made in Italy, soft and high quality leather with beautiful colours.

Leather bags made with care to details, practical, colorful, resistant but with soft skin. Officina della Pelle make for you leather handbags and bags you'll love, durable handcrafted leather tote bags without sacrificing practicality.

Browse the large catalog of leather bags online periodically enriched with new models and colors. Many models of women's bags: Shoulder bags, Leather handbags and tote bags, leather messenger, clutch and clutch bag, Leather shopping, leather backpacks, Shoulder bags and Bucket Bags.

Officina della Pelle leather bags are produced in Italy with high quality materials.

Handcrafted leather bags. You will find the highest quality and refinement in a single piece, in exceptional quality natural leather, durable, eclectic, with a timeless design and suitable for your style: ideal for staying at your side for a long time. Officina della Pelle's handcrafted leather bags are recognized for their intense perfume and soft leather. Pleasant to the touch, our exclusively Made in Italy handbags and handbags produced with the best selection of vegetable tanned hides have the significant feature of resisting over time.

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